


[Chemlinked] Brazil Bans Animal Testing for Cosmetics


등록일 2023-03-21

조회수 6435

Despite restrictions, Brazil takes a significant step in the right direction towards ending animal testing for cosmetics.

On February 24, 2023, Brazil’s National Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation (CONCEA) adopted Resolution No. 58, which entered into force on March 1, 2023.1


The Resolution prohibits the use of vertebrates (other than human beings) in scientific research and the development and quality control of personal hygiene products, cosmetics, and perfumes. This ban applies to the said products formulated with ingredients or compounds that have already been proven to be safe and effective.

However, for products added with ingredients or compounds without proven safety and efficacy, the Resolution stipulates that it is mandatory to adopt the alternative methods recognized by CONCEA. Moreover, using alternative methods that have been validated nationally or internationally but have yet to be recognized by CONCEA is also allowed.

It is worth noting that Brazil's move is a partial ban rather than an outright ban. According to Humane Society International,2 this new Brazilian norm is a welcome next step in the right direction of achieving a cruelty-free beauty sector that Brazilian consumers have long advocated. However, as a domestic testing ban, it cannot prevent the import and sale of newly animal-tested cosmetics from other countries. Moreover, currently the Resolution is only a partial ban because CONCEA does not have the legal jurisdiction to include certain important issues in its resolutions. Therefore, legislation of a federal law is needed.

In addition to Brazil, if you want to know more about the latest cosmetic animal testing regulations in other regions, please check out the ChemLinked Webinar: 2022 Global Cosmetic Animal Testing Regulation Updates Recap.


Reference Links

[1] Resolution No. 58 of February 24, 2023

[2] Humane Society International welcomes partial ban on animal testing for cosmetics in Brazil


출처 : Chemlinked