


(멕시코) 화장품 규정 원문

멕시코 화장품 규정 원문(스페인어) 자료와 일부 자료의 국문번역본입니다.



Ley General de Salud: There is a chapter IX (page 114-115)  in the law that talk about cosmetic product and it definition.

Reglamento de Control Sanitario de Productos y Servicios: There is chapter (page 23-26) that talk about cosmetic products.


NOM- 141-SSA1/SCFI-2012:  This guideline talk about the labelling requirements of a cosmetic product.


Acuerdo de Sustancias Prohibidas y Restringidas: There is two documents, the original (year 2010) and its modification  (year 2014), both talk about the ingredients that it can be use in cosmetics products, also includes the ingredients that are prohibited or restricted in their use.

Acuerdo de plantas prohibidas: If it is going to use botanic ingredients, it is important to review that these botanic ingredients are not part of the prohibited plants in Mexico for teas, infusions and edible vegetable oils.