


[Chemlinked] Indonesia Unveils New Halal Label Logo


등록일 2022-03-18

조회수 8593

On March 13, 2022, Indonesia Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH) announced to set a new halal label logo, which is stipulated in BPJPH Number 40 of 2022 regarding the Determination of Halal Labels, as an implementation of the mandate of Article 37 of Law Number 33 of 2014. The new halal logo has been applied nationally and must be shown on the product packaging as a sign of product halalness from March 1, 2022.


To offer convenience for business operators to cope with the transition, for those who have halal-certificated products in stock that were manufactured and packaged with the former halal logo before the implementation of the new logo, they are still allowed to sell the stock first. After that, they must immediately adjust halal label on their products in accordance with the provisions in BPJPH Number 40 of 2022 regarding the Determination of Halal Labels.


Halal label really matters in Indonesia, a country with around 87% Muslim population. The halal logo must be contained on halal label to show the halalness of the product and ensure it is easier for consumers to identify halal products. Indonesia regulates that products that enter, circulate, and are traded within the territory of Indonesia must be halal-certified. Halal certification started on a voluntary basis for cosmetic products on Oct. 17, 2021 and will become mandatory since Oct. 17, 2026. The certification applies to both domestic and imported products. 


Reference Links

[1] BPJPH notice


출처 : Chemlinked