


[Chemlinked] Indonesia Amends Labeling Requirements for 2D Barcode on Cosmetics


등록일 2022-11-04

조회수 7457

Amendments to the labeling requirements for 2D barcode include the labeling method, color and shape, as well as the information that should appear after scanning.


On Dec. 7, 2018, the Indonesia Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) implemented the Application of 2D Barcode in the Control of Drugs and Food, which requires drugs (including cosmetics) and food packaging to be labeled with the 2D barcode (QR code) issued by BPOM. Among the two types of 2D barcode, identification barcode and authentication barcode, the former applies to cosmetics.


2D barcode will be published on the electronic notification certificate for cosmetics. By scanning, consumers can see basic information about the product, such as the product name and notification number.

On Oct. 5, 2022, Indonesia BPOM issued and implemented the amended Application of 2D Barcode in the Control of Drugs and Food (hereafter referred to as “Regulation”), replacing the previous Application of 2D Barcode in the Control of Drugs and Food (2018). 1

The Regulation is divided into 7 chapters, 31 articles, and 1 appendix, which stipulates the 2D barcode’s definition, category, labeling requirements, and information that should appear after scanning, etc.


The main amendments related to cosmetic labeling are marked in red below:


Previous Requirements

Current Requirements


Article 2


2D barcode is not required to be labeled for drugs (including cosmetics) and food products circulated in Indonesia through the emergency use authorization mechanism or special access schemes.

Products under emergency use or special access schemes are exempted from labeling 2D barcode.

Article 17

The 2D barcode should be printed on the packaging with black ink and a white base or other base colors.

For traditional medicines, quasi-drugs, health supplements, cosmetics, and processed foods, the 2D barcode can be printed or affixed to the packaging as a sticker with an ink color contrasting with the base color.


Whether the 2D barcode is printed or affixed, it is necessary to ensure that it will not easily come off or separate from the packaging and will not be easily faded or damaged.

  • 2D barcode is allowed to be marked on the cosmetic packaging in the form of a sticker;
  • The color requirements of 2D barcode are relaxed.

Article 22

2D barcode should be proportionally labeled on the packaging with a minimum size of 0.6 x 0.6cm.

2D barcode should be labeled on the packaging in a rectangular shape with a minimum size of 0.6 x 0.6cm.

2D barcode must be in a rectangular shape.

Article 25

After the consumer scans the 2D barcode, at least the following information must appear:

  • product name;
  • notification number;
  • the validity period of the notification number;
  • the name and address of the business actor;
  • packaging.

After the consumer scans the 2D barcode, at least the following information must appear:

  • product name;
  • notification number;
  • the name and address of the business actor;
  • packaging.

The validity period of the notification number is removed from the information that must appear after scanning the 2D barcode.

Transitional Measures

  • The identification barcode obtained before Oct. 5, 2022 is still valid until the cosmetic notification number expires;
  • Cosmetic notification number holder should label the identification barcode within one year after obtaining the notification number;
  • All cosmetics circulating in Indonesia must be labeled with the identification barcode by Dec. 7, 2023.


Further Reading


Reference Links

[1] Indonesia Implements the Amended Application of 2D Barcode in the Control of Drugs and Food


출처 : Chemlinked