


[Chemlinked] Indonesia Implements the Amended Procedure for the Submission of Cosmetics Notification


등록일 2022-11-09

조회수 7763

The main amendments include the following:

1) Refining the process and requirements for applying for the “letter of recommendation as a notification applicant”;

2) Clarifying the requirements for products with multiple production sites or commissioned manufacturers in Indonesia;

3) Adding a situation that allows the use of previously notified cosmetic product names;

4) Slightly amending the requirements for mandatory documents for cosmetic notification application;

5) Adding a situation that allows applicants to apply for notification information changes, and clarifying the application process.


On Dec. 6, 2021, Indonesia Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) issued a revised draft of the Procedure for Submission of Cosmetics Notification for public consultation. On Oct. 5, 2022, Indonesia issued and implemented the revised Procedure for Submission of Cosmetics Notification (hereafter referred to as the "Regulation"), replacing the 2020 version. 1

The Regulation provides criteria and procedures for companies to refer to when applying for cosmetics notification in Indonesia. Notification applications submitted before Oct. 5, 2022, will still be processed in accordance with the 2020 version. Cosmetic notification numbers obtained before Oct. 5, 2022, are still valid until the expiration date.

The Regulation is divided into 7 chapters and 56 articles with 5 appendices, which stipulates the scope of notification applicants, the documents required for notification, notification procedures, cosmetic product categories, etc. The main amendments are as follows:


1. Refining the process and requirements for applying for the letter of recommendation as a notification applicant

Before applying for notification, companies that commission other companies to produce cosmetics (hereafter referred to as "commissioning manufacturers") or importers must apply to the local UPT BPOM for on-site inspection, so as to obtain the letter of recommendation as a notification applicant. If the commissioning manufacturer or the importer is also an Indonesian cosmetic company, the recommendation letter can be exempted.

The Regulation refines the requirements for importers and commissioning manufacturers. The newly added Appendix IV details the application process for the recommendation letter, on-site inspection items, templates for inspection result letter, and recommendation letter revocation statement, etc.

Requirements for Importers and Commissioning Manufacturers

1. The notification application shall be submitted by the leadership/director of the company who is not involved in crimes in the cosmetic industry.


2. Have a technical person in charge, evidenced by a photocopy of the National Identity Card (KTP), diploma, and the cooperation agreement between the technical person and the company leadership.


3. Have documents for procurement and distribution of cosmetics in the form of:

1) written procedures and records of cosmetics procurement, receipt, storage, and release

2) cosmetics inventory records/stock cards

3) written procedures and records of complaints handling

4) written procedures and records of cosmetics withdrawal and disposal

5) written procedures and records of remained sample handling


4. Meet facility requirements, including the sanitation of facilities and product storage areas

2. Clarifying the requirements for products with multiple production sites or commissioned manufacturers in Indonesia

The Regulation clarifies that for the same product with multiple production sites in Indonesia, or the same product that the brand commissioned multiple Indonesian factories to produce, as long as the product is similar in all the following aspects, the brand is allowed to apply for one notification number.

  • Product name
  • Product formula
  • Ingredient specifications
  • Packaging material specifications
  • Finished product specifications
  • Production process
  • Label design

3. Adding a situation that allows the use of previously notified cosmetic product names

When applying for cosmetic notification, the notification applicant shall not use the same name as previously notified products. However, if a new notification application is submitted by the affiliated company to the company owning the previously notified product, the name of the previously notified product can be used. A statement letter proving the affiliation issued by the parent company and an approval letter issued by the owner of the previously notified cosmetics are required.

The Regulation adds a situation that allows the use of previously notified cosmetic product names for the notification of the same product for different target markets. An approval letter issued by the owner of the previously notified cosmetics is required.

4. Slightly amending the requirements for mandatory documents for cosmetic notification application

1) Relaxing the requirements for the remaining validity period of GMP certificate, the fulfillment certificate for GMP aspects, and the statement letter for implementing GMP, from at least six months to at least three months;

2) Revising the document legalization requirements for GMP certificate and CFS certificate.

Certificate Issuing Country

Previous Legalization Requirements

Current Legalization Requirements

GMP certificate or CFS certificate issued by the competent authority of the Contracting State of the Apostille Convention

Must be legalized by the Indonesian embassy or consulate general

Must be legalized with an Apostille by the competent authority of the state of origin

GMP certificate or CFS certificate issued by a competent authority not party to the Apostille Convention

Must be legalized by the Indonesian embassy or consulate general

Note: Newly added requirements are marked in red.

Notes: The Convention of Oct. 5, 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents, also known as the Apostille Convention, is an international treaty drafted by the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH). It is intended to simplify the procedure through which a document, issued in one of the contracting states, can be certified for legal purposes in all other contracting states. A certification under the Convention is called an apostille or Hague apostille. Apostille Convention is an international certification comparable to notarization, and may supplement local notarization of the document. If the Convention applies between two states, an apostille issued by the state of origin is sufficient to certify the document, and the need for further certification by the destination state is removed. The Apostille Convention entered into force in Indonesia on June 4, 2022.

5. Adding a situation that allows applicants to apply for notification information changes, and clarifying the application process

The situations that allow applicants to apply for notification information changes are increased from the previous three to four, shown in the below table. The Regulation also clarifies the application process for notification information changes.

Situations that Allow Applicants to Apply for Notification Information Changes

  • Change of the applicant’s company name (without changing the product distributorship or ownership);
  • Change of the applicant’s company address;
  • Changes in product packaging size and type;
  • Addition of production sites or commissioned manufacturers.


Notes: For product information changes that do not fall into the above four situations, the notification applicant needs to re-apply for product notification.

6. Other noteworthy points

  • The Regulation clarifies that cosmetics for export only do not require notification in Indonesia;
  • The Regulation adds notification application procedures for cosmetic product set;
  • The Regulation does not modify the procedures of cosmetic notification.

Further Reading


Reference Links

[1] Indonesia Implements the Amended Procedure for Submission of Cosmetics Notification


출처 : Chemlinked