


[Chemlinked] EU SCCS Finalizes Opinion on Aluminium


등록일 2023-02-10

조회수 6861

In May 2022, EU Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) launched an eight-week public consultation on the preliminary revised opinion on the safety of Aluminium (Al) in cosmetics. After considering the new information received during this period, SCCS released the final opinion on February 2, 2023.1

In light of all data collected, SCCS considers that Al compounds are safe when used:

  • in non-sprayable products at the maximum levels indicated in Tables 1 and 2; and
  • in sprayable products at the maximum levels indicated in Table 1, provided that the particles/droplets with diameter of less than 10 μm does not exceed 20% of the total quantity of aerosolised particles/droplets.

Table 1: Minimum, maximum and mean values of reported Al concentrations in each product type and category included in the exposure assessment

In the table above, the minimum Al concentration of some products is rounded to 0.00%, which reflects the formulations containing low levels of Al. However, given the inclusion criteria adopted in the opinion, the theoretical minimum of AI would be 0.000001% for a formulation that includes 0.01% of an ingredient that contains 0.01% Al.

Table 2: Minimum, maximum and mean values of the reported Al concentrations in each product type and category that is NOT included in the exposure calculations

Besides, SCCS clarifies that, since Al does not belong to substances classified as CMR 1A and B, only exposure from cosmetic uses is considered in the safety assessment. The aggregate exposure to Al from cosmetic and non-cosmetic sources of the most exposed consumers may exceed safe limits.


Further Reading


Reference Links

[1] SCCS - Final Opinion on the Safety of Aluminium in Cosmetic Products - Submission III


출처 : Chemlinked