


[트리니다드토바고, TBT통보문] 상품 라벨링 관련의 건


등록일 2023-05-23

조회수 6580

2023년 5월 17일 트리니다드토바고에서 아래 내용으로 TBT 통보문을 발표하였습니다.

※ 개정 세부 내용은 아래 링크를 참고하시기 바랍니다.


1. (TTO/136) Labelling  of goods -Prepackaged goods -Compulsory requirements; (14 page(s), in English)

- 주요내용 :This standard specifies requirements for the information to be included on labels of goods prepackaged for use in Trinidad and Tobago, the method of display of such information, and where necessary, the wording and units of measurements to be used.

This standard does not apply to the following:

a)  goods  or  classes  of  goods  for  which  labelling  requirements  have  been  prescribed  in national regulations issued by other Government Ministries and agencies; inter alia:

i) goods or classes of goods for food, drugs, cosmetics and medical devices;

ii) goods or classes of goods for pesticides and toxic chemicals.

b)  goods  or  classes  of  goods  for  which  specific  labelling  requirements  have  been prescribed in compulsory National Standards; and

c) goods or classes of goods for agricultural produce.

NOTE  1  Regulatory  activities  (including  standards-related  matters)  pertaining  to  food, drugs, cosmetics and medical devices fall under the purview of the Chemistry, Food and Drugs Division, Ministry of Health which is so empowered under the Food and Drugs Act, (Chapter 30:01) and relevant regulations.

NOTE   2   Regulatory   activities   (including   standards-related   matters)   pertaining   to pesticides and toxic chemicals fall under the Chemistry, Food and Drugs Division, Ministry of Health which is so empowered under the Pesticide and Toxic Chemicals Act, (Chapter 30:03) and relevant regulations.

d) goods intended for export only which comply with the requirements of standards or laws on labelling enforced in the country to which they are being exported;

e) goods that are sold unpackaged, or in an open or uncovered package;

f) goods that are weighed, measured or counted in the presence of the purchaser with or without being packaged;

g) gift-wrapped goods; and

h) markings on shipping containers

- 출처 : https://epingalert.org/en/Search?freeText=cosmetic&viewData=G%2FTBT%2FN%2FTTO%2F136


2. (TTO/137) Labelling  of goods -General -Compulsory requirements; (13 page(s), in English)

- 주요내용 : This  standard  establishes  general  labelling  requirements  for goods. It applies to all goods which are used in Trinidad and Tobago with the exceptions indicated in 1.2.

This standard does not apply to the following:

a)  goods  or  classes  of  goods  for  which  labelling  requirements  have  been  prescribed  in national regulations issued by other Government Ministries and agencies; inter alia

i) goods or classes of goods for food, drugs, cosmetics and medical devices;

ii) goods or classes of goods for pesticides and toxic chemicals.

b)  goods  or  classes  of  goods  for  which  specific  labelling  requirements  have  been prescribed in compulsory National Standards; and

c) goods or classes of goods for agricultural produce.

NOTE  1  Regulatory  activities  (including  standards-related  matters)  pertaining  to  food, drugs, cosmetics and medical devices fall under the purview of the Chemistry, Food and Drugs Division, Ministry of Health which is so empowered under the Food and Drugs Act, (Chapter 30:01) and relevant regulations.
NOTE   2   Regulatory   activities   (including   standards-related   matters)   pertaining   to pesticides and toxic chemicals fall under the Chemistry, Food and Drugs Division, Ministry of Health which is so empowered under the Pesticide and Toxic Chemicals Act, (Chapter 30:03) and relevant regulations

- 출처 : https://epingalert.org/en/Search?freeText=cosmetic&viewData=G%2FTBT%2FN%2FTTO%2F137