
화장품 시장정보


Trademark Guidebook of the Philippines

등록일 2021-01-13

조회수 5196

출처: KOTRA(http://news.kotra.or.kr/)


Trademark Guidebook of the Philippines
  • 작성자 : 이용근 등
  • 총서번호 : KOTRA자료 20-230
  • 발간일 : 2021-01-13
  • 게재일 : 2021-01-13
  • 페이지 : 125
  • 게재자 : 이은혜
  • 관련지역 : 아시아/오세아니아




Chapter Ⅰ. Introduction
Section 1. What is Intellectual Property?
Section 2. Brief History of Philippine Trademark Law
Section 3. What is a Trademark?
Section 4. What is Goodwill?
Section 5. Why should l get a Trademark in the Philippines?
Section 6. How Marks are Acquired?
Section 7. Marks must be visible
Section 8. Marks must be Distinctiveness
Section 9. What marks cannot be registered?
Section 10. When Trademark’s exclusive right is created?
Section 11. Term of Protection

Chapter Ⅱ. Philippines’ Trademark principle
Section 1. Principle of first to file rule
Section 2. International treaties that Philippines joined

Chapter Ⅲ. Application for Trademark Registration
Section 1. Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines
Section 2. Pre-filing of Trademark
Section 3. Application of Trademark
Section 4. Additional Requirements for Trademark Registration
Section 5. Examination (Office Action)
Section 6. Trademark Publication (Opposition)
Section 7. Post-filing
Section 8. IPOPHL’s Trademark application and registration statistics

Chapter Ⅳ. Utilization of Trademark
Section 1. Licensing, franchising, sale, rent
Section 2. Procedure

Chapter Ⅴ. Countermeasure to Trademark Infringement
Section 1. What is Trademark Infringement?
Section 2. How to respond to trademark infringement
Section 3. Countermeasures of Trademark infringement case
Section 4. IPOPHL’s mediation
Section 5. Criminal sanction

Chapter Ⅵ. Trademark Infringement cases

Chapter Ⅶ. Trademark related Government office and organization

Chapter Ⅷ. Frequent FAQ