


(콜롬비아) 화장품 규정 원문


등록일 2019-09-03

조회수 4476

콜롬비아 화장품 규정에 대해 콜롬비아 화장품 협회로부터 제공받은 자료입니다.

1)   List of prohibited ingredients in Columbia & 2) List of limited ingredients in Columbia: The Colombian regulation is an ANDEAN law, which means that is a law for Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. The Andean decision 833 says that products that are to be commercialized or fabricated in Colombia must use de INCI and COSING list of ingredients. These lists determine which ingredients can be used and which are prohibited.

3) Safety requirements or guidance for finished products: Colombian authorities don’t require safety requirements for finish products but instead give the responsibility to companies to commercialize safe products.

4) labelling requirements or guidance: the label requirements can be found unfortunately only Spanish, on the Andean decision 516, although they will change by the end of the year.

첨부파일 : Andean decision 516