


[인도네시아, TBT통보문] 인도네시아 영토로 반입되는 의약품 및 식품 (화장품 등) 관련의 건

등록일 2023-05-15

조회수 7853

2023년 5월 4일 인도네시아에서 아래 내용으로 TBT 통보문을 발표하였습니다.

※ 개정 세부 내용은 아래 링크를 참고하시기 바랍니다.


1. (IDN 153) Indonesian FDA Regulation No. 26 of 2022 on Supervision of the Importation of Drug and Food Materials into Indonesian Territory

- 주요내용 : This regulation is the amendments to Indonesian FDA Regulation No. 29 of 2017 on Supervision of the Importation of Drug and Food Materials into Indonesian Territory. New provisions changed on this regulation include:Additional regulation on the entry of certain drug materials (Propylene Glycol, Polyethylene Glycol and other materials with limited levels of Ethylene Glycol and Diethylene Glycol for pharmaceutical grade) through Post Border Import Notification Letter (Surat Keterangan Impor) mechanism.The amendment of the operational definition of Border Import Notification Letter and Post Border Import Notification Letter.The adjustment of Special Access Scheme mechanism under Indonesia FDA supervision such as for Biological Products; Research Drugs (excluding Biological Products, narcotics, psychotropics and pharmaceutical precursors); and Drug Materials.The amendment of the provision of importation realization report submitted by business actors.The addition of several drug materials to the list of drug materials attachments which is supervised by Indonesia FDA.

- 출처 : https://epingalert.org/en/Search?freeText=cosmetic&viewData=G%2FTBT%2FN%2FIDN%2F153


2. (IDN 155) Decree of The Head of Indonesian FDA No. 246 of 2022 on the List of Restricted Drug and Food Materials Importation into The Territory of Indonesia and Drug and Food in the Form of Traditional Drug Materials, Quasi Drug Materials, Cosmetic Materials, And Food Materials Entered into the Territory of Indonesian for Small and Medium Industries; (174 page(s), in Indonesian)

- 주요내용 : This decree is the implementing regulation of Indonesian FDA Regulation No. 26 of 2022 on Supervision of the Importation of Drug and Food Materials into Indonesian Territory.The list of restricted drug and food materials importation into the territory of Indonesia and drug and food in the form of traditional drug materials, quasi drug materials, cosmetic materials, and food materials entered into the territory of Indonesia for small and medium industries in accordance with the harmonized system (HS) code. The importation of those drug and food materials is supervised by the Indonesian FDA through the Border Import Notification Letter and the Post Border Import Notification Letter scheme.This decree also accommodates the importation of Propylene Glycol, Polyethylene Glycol and other pharmaceutical grade solvents such as Butylene glycol and Hydrogenated starch hydrolysate through the Post Border Import Notification Letter scheme.

- 출처 : https://epingalert.org/en/Search?freeText=cosmetic&viewData=G%2FTBT%2FN%2FIDN%2F155


3.(IDN 156) Decree of The Head  of  Indonesian  FDA  No.  247  of  2022  on  the  List  of  Restricted  Drug  and  Food Importation into the Territory of Indonesia; (74 page(s), in Indonesian)

- 주요내용

a.This decree is the implementing regulation of Indonesian FDA Regulation No. 27 of  2022  on  Supervision  of  the  Importation  of  Drug  and  Food  into  Indonesian Territory.

b.The  list  of  restricted  drug  and  food  importation  into  the  territory  of  Indonesia which is supervised by the Indonesian FDA through the Border Import Notification Letter and the Post Border Import Notification Letter scheme.

- 출처 : https://epingalert.org/en/Search?freeText=cosmetic&viewData=G%2FTBT%2FN%2FIDN%2F156